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alt:V Multiplayer

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These major features have already been implemented and can be used in alt:V

alt:Voice Gen 1

This was the first implementation of alt:Voice, including Opus Codec, external Voice Server, 2D- and 3D-Voice.

Launcher Rework

Launcher Rework

This Launcher stayed the same, since the closed Beta of alt:V, so a rework was necessary. Now the installation process is more intuitive and the Launcher is more stable.



It is a fast and performant user interface library based on XHTML1 and CSS2 standards. We implemented it directly into the client, making it as easy as possible to use and as performant as possible.

Crash Reporter

This tool allows us to get an overview of the most common crashes, if the client of a user is crashing, the crash report gets anonymously sent to us. We then can analyze the crash and fix the cause of it.

Bytecode Module

Bytecode Module

This module allows developers to send only the bytecode of their JavaScript resource to the users' clients. This protects a developer's source code because it's impossible to regenerate the original source code from it.

Permission System

Permission System

For specific APIs, the server needs to notify the user about its usage. This is a privacy enhancement for users.

Continuous Integration Rework

Our releases get automatically built and published, which needs an infrastructure. We gave our infrastructure an overhaul and reduced the time for builds. It also enabled us to provide builds for new target architectures.

Cloth API

Cloth API

The server side Cloth API provides a new way to interact with the cloth system of GTA. Every cloth has an id in GTA, if modded clothes are added the ids of these can shift with every GTA Update. The new API avoids these shifts for modded clothes.

Vehicle Handling API

Vehicle Handling API

The system can be used to modify or read different handling values of a vehicle. This can be done per vehicle model or by vehicle.

Weapon Handling API

Weapon Handling API

The system can be used to modify or read different handling values of a weapon. That can be done per weapon model.

Worked on

We are currently working on these features, they can be used in an early stage, are tested internally, or are available soon.

C# Client Module

This will enable a sandboxed way to write resources for the client side in C#. Its currently in a Pre-release state and can already be tested.

UI Redesign

We want to rethink and redesign the usage of our Client, this will include a completely new design and a rework of the UI.

DLC Mod Loader

This project was previously known as Modding Rework and will allow modifying everything that is possible in GTA.

Object API

Object API

This will provide a new API to spawn, modify and delete objects in GTA. It should be faster and more intuitive to use than the GTA Native Calls.

alt:Voice Gen 2

Generation two of alt:Voice includes a rework of the system itself, but will also provide new features like Voice Filters and MIDI Device support.

Benefit Manager

Benefit Manager

The goal of this project is to provide an easy way for users to manage their alt:V products and benefits from Patreon.


Some of these features will be implemented next as soon as the current ones are finished.



We want to provide an easy and clean way, without restarting the client, for users to switch servers, disconnect from them or reconnect to them.

Sync/Network rewrite

We want to rework and implement multithreading for our network and sync system. This should increase the stability and performance of these components.

Entity limits

Many of our systems are optimized for the current entity limit of 8192 entities. We want to rework these systems and increase the entity limit to 131072.

Modding Hub

A lot of modders don’t want to share their sources with server owners. We want to create a combined marketplace for every modder, where they can encrypt and sell their creations.

Far Future

We thought about these features, but we don’t have any details yet. Don’t expect them in the near future.

Server Fragmentation

Server Fragmentation

This should allow servers to transfer users seamlessly between multiple server instances.


We want to protect other players from cheaters. We are planning an Anti-Cheat, but this is time intensive and a lot of work. In the meantime, we will provide other new APIs so servers can bust cheaters themselves.



This should provide a new API to spawn, modify and delete static Peds in GTA. It should be faster and more intuitive to use than the GTA Native Calls. These peds can also be synchronized with other clients.

NPC Traffic


Our final goal is to synchronize and allow traffic like in GTA Singleplayer.